Allow me to share with you a brief glimpse into the intriguing world of the local Wallace Freemason Lodge.
Deeply rooted in ancient traditions, this exclusive fraternity is shrouded in mystery and mystique, captivating the minds of those who seek knowledge and enlightenment.
The Wallace Mason Lodge is a community of brothers who come together to discuss important topics of philosophy and morality. We look to our ancient rituals rooted in traditions which are shrouded in mystery and mystique. These precepts have been captivating the minds of those who seek knowledge and direction for men’s modern concerns. Our meetings are marked by a special bond of brotherhood and support that is unlike anything else. While we do have certain traditions, practices and secrets, our primary focus is always on making good men better.
The Wallace Masons Lodge is an esteemed institution that continues to inspire and captivate men to this day. This lodge (Shoshone #25) has been consistently in Wallace since 1891.
We invite you to learn more about this enigmatic organization. The journey may be mysterious and laborious, but the rewards are truly priceless. We meet monthly and would invite you to our dinners or you have a private Q&A.
Video on Freemasons in the Wild West
Shoshone Lodge No. 25 of Ancient Free & Accepted Masons of Idaho, located in Wallace, Idaho, holds regular dinners and lodge membership meetings on the 2nd Tuesday of each month except Jul, Aug.
Dinner at 6:00pm meeting at 7:00pm at 605 1/2 Bank St, Wallace.
Visitors are always welcome. Freemasons are accepting new members. Email for more information.