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Spring into the mountains!

As the weather starts to warm, it’s time to head outside. Take your pick of hiking, biking, dirt biking or however else you like to play in nature. Spring is a great time to plan a trip to Wallace.  In the downtown, don’t miss the early season events and the happy smiles as everyone starts wearing short sleeve shirts again. If you’re lucky the ski hills stay open into spring and you can take a few turns on the slopes in short sleeves and not even get a chill! Gotta love Wallace!

Spring is also a good time to spend indoors. if the weather’s not so great head to one of the many museums or mining tours which are open year round.

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    Crystal Gold Mine Tours

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    Johnson’s Gems & Collectibles

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    Crystal Gold Mine & RV Park

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    Center of the Universe, Wallace Idaho

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    Sierra Silver Mine Tour

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    Coeur d’Alene Bike Co.

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    Shoshone County Mining and Smelting Museum – Staff House Museum

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    Mine Heritage Exhibition

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    Northern Pacific Depot Museum

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    Silver Mountain Resort

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    Oasis Bordello Museum

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    The Pulaski Tunnel Trail – Idaho Panhandle National Forest

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    North Idaho Mountain Brewery

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    Historic Wallace Chamber of Commerce

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    Coeur d’Alene Old Mission State Park

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